FFA Contributions

FFA in Nebraska is developing the next generation of citizen-leaders. That's why Constellation supports FFA in a big way. In fact, Constellation has contributed more than $230,000 to Nebraska FFA.

Choose Constellation during the Choice Gas selection period in April, and we'll contribute to FFA in Nebraska. The more customers who choose Constellation, the larger the contribution. You get reliable customer service and competitively priced natural gas that can make a difference in your utility bill. And you can make a big difference for young people you know—right in your hometown.

Annual FFA Donations

  Annual Donation
2024 $25,000
2023 $25,000
2022 $25,000
2021 $16,845
2020 $14,561
2019 $14,919
2018 $16,691
2017 $17,868
2016 $21,188
2015 $21,165
2014 $15,825
2013 $11,193
2012 $11,999